Douglas Deogratias Bamweyana

CCNA, CSCS, CAF A, ACCA, BSc. Sports Science (Mak - Ug), MSc. Sports Biomechanics (L'boro - UK), MBA (Univ. of Nicosia), PhD Student.

Assistant Lecturer

Department of Biochemistry & Sports of Science, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University, P.o.Box 7062 kampala

Office: Human Movement and Performance Section, Plot 107, Mary Stuart Road.

Research Interests:

Optimizing Human Performance; Human Movement Variability; Engineering and Computer Simulation Modelling; and Football Coaching.

Professional/Voluntary Engagements: President - Uganda Society of Sports Science and Physical Education (USSSPE);  FIFA Coach Instructor / Educator; CAF & FUFA 1st Division Licensed Coach.